Friday, December 20, 2013

Le Hokey Pokey

Recently I was in Mrs. Matthews' French II class as they were having a holiday celebration.  In addition to preparing "bouche de Noel" (Yule Log cake), some of the students performed "le Hokey Pokey"--all in French, of course!  From left to right:  James Day, Rusty Hodgkins and Nick Anderson.  Joyeux Noel a tout le monde!

Holiday Food Drive

I would like to thank all of the students and teachers who brought in non-perishable food items for the Freshman Class's First Annual Holiday Food Drive.  Together we collected 735 pounds of food for the Riverside Methodist Church Food Pantry.  Pictured from left to right below with the collected food are senior mentors Taylor Ballard, Sarrah Dunnels, Trey Watson, Sydney Gagnon, Stephen Day, Dan Farrow, Isabella Dunnells, and Merritt Banks.  Dakota Miner and Bailey Martin also put a lot of work into this project with their freshman advisor groups.  The category winners for the food drive competition were as follows:

Most Spirited: Mrs. Harriman's Advisory
Most Creative Food Receptacle: Mrs. Hasty's Advisory
Most Festive: Ms. Bragan's Advisory
Most Unique Food Item: Mrs. Houghton's Advisory
Fighting Spirit: Mrs. Lavalee's Advisory
Most Variety: Mrs. McKenney's Advisory
Overall Winner:  Mrs. James' Advisory (Will receive an ice cream social after vacation)

An extra special thank you to school counselor and senior mentor coordinator Whitney Nelson and all of the Team 9 teachers for organizing this food drive.  Thank you for everything you do!!

Holiday Concert 12/11/13

The SVHS Band and Chorus performed a wonderful concert on Wednesday, December 11th. Congratulations to band director Jason Ward and choral director Katie Mercier for an outstanding performance.  It is good to see the music program alive and well at SVHS--we need to support it!!

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Class of 2014 Christmas Tree Sale

Did my shift this afternoon/evening to support Project Graduation for the Class of 2014.  They have a great selection of fresh cut trees priced at $40.  They are very nice trees and support a great cause. Please come down to the Cornish Fairgrounds and support the seniors who are out there.  Thank you!!